Saturday, March 29, 2014

The A-Z April Blogging Challenge

You've probably noticed that large new icon off to the right, proclaiming the upcoming April blog challenge and wondered if that means, maybe, that I'll be posting a little more frequently.  It does!

That's right, prepare to be dazzled by the number of posts this little blog is going to launch out into the world over the next few weeks.  Each with their very own alphabet letter.  And not about The Silent Room serial either!   (Though no panic attacks that I've dropped the end of the story off a cliff somewhere not to be seen again till June or July, as I will continue to post on that too,.)

Look for a post a day Monday to Saturday through the entire month of April, and if you are wishing for more things to read, check out the list of other people who are going on this same crazy challenge HERE.

I will probably keep most of the posts short (maybe 200 words or so), and they will be a mix of topics from reflections on life or process tools, random fun internet "art games", a few short bits of fiction, and whatever else happens to come to mind on my way from letter A to letter Z. I'll even take requests! So if you have something you'd like to hear me ramble on about, post it in the comments, and I'll see what I can do.

Wishing you Joy as we head into spring.



  1. Thank you. I know- excited and nervous and fun! Will be very interesting that's for sure. Have a good trip!
