
Welcome! and thank you for dropping by my little corner of the internet. I hope you find something here to enjoy, inspire, or interest you.

I'm not a published writer or an author you've ever heard of. I'm just a girl who loves to write in her "free" time (so far mostly YA fantasy or science fiction), who is fascinated by creative process, and who thought it might be interesting to see how keeping a writing blog affects my writing productivity. Mostly, this blog is all about trying to put fun back into my writing by practicing craft and collecting tidbits of interesting thoughts on creative process. A few science essays may even find their way in among the other posts.  If in the coming months, I manage to offer something for other writers or creatives, that would be a really great bonus.  This blog is also a place for linking to my writing prompts for the Write Now! exercises (WNP) on the blog  Today's Authors.