Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Becoming Writer Book Giveaway

Looking for some good writing inspiration?  Joe Bunting over at  Write Practice and Becoming Writer is doing a giveaway of several wonderful writing books:
GO HERE TO ENTER and to find out more information about how he chose these books in particular. Giveaway ends July 27 at midnight.

Tim Grahl over at  is also doing a summer writing challenge to help himself and everybody else get their writing done this summer. While the overall focus of his blog is on marketing your books once you've finished them , he is a man in writing transition and his secondary focus is all about getting the actual writing done.  If you are in need of some of that inspiration

Go Here to Find out more about Summer Blitz: Get Your Writing Done

On a more personal note, it has been a rough few months health-wise here in Zinc world (autoimmune stuff kicking my butt), and dropping out of the blogosphere during that time has been one of the unfortunate side effects of that.  I am on the up swing again though (!!!!), and thought this was a lovely opportunity to ease back in to writing here again.  Thank you all for being so patient in waiting for Silent Room updates.

Best of luck in your writing! (and hopefully you'll see me back around these parts again soon...)